상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

2024 Gangwon D-3, Final Inspection Meeting Held


by 디지털소식 2024. 1. 16. 21:30



상담 및 접수 ☎1899-0865 / 무료 회원가입▶


- Hygiene inspections for food and beverages and emphasis on no-show prevention measures

- "The premise for the successful hosting of the event is safety, hygiene, and cold weather; let's not let go of the tension until the very end," urges Governor Kim Jin-tae

Gangwon Winter Youth Olympics Final Preparatory Briefing Meeting Situation Report (Photo: Gangwon Special Autonomous Province)


[Digital Gangwon] Governor Kim Jin-tae of Gangwon Special Autonomous Province held a final inspection meeting on the afternoon of the 16th at the provincial office, with the attendance of responsible department heads from various fields and the heads of the four hosting city and county sub-organizations.




With the competition just three days away, this meeting focused on ▲ hygiene inspections for food and beverages and ▲ prevention measures for no-shows.


For hygiene inspections of food and beverages, checks have been completed for 15 food supply companies supplying the athlete village and operational staff restaurants in the first week of January. Regular inspections of the hygiene conditions of these companies will continue until the end of the competition, and 3,532 food and beverage and accommodation establishments around the venues will be inspected by organizing inspection teams for each hosting city.


The response situation room for infectious diseases is now in full operation. In case of symptoms such as norovirus or food poisoning, quick sample collection and epidemiological investigations will be conducted. Periodic disinfection will also be carried out to prevent the rapid spread of infections.


On another note, tests for norovirus were conducted on 705 cooks within the athlete village restaurants and IOC accommodation facilities, resulting in 9 positive cases. Prompt isolation measures and disinfection of the affected cooking areas have been implemented. Additionally, a suspected food poisoning report from a volunteer at a restaurant within the Pyeongchang Alpensia Resort was received today. An epidemiological investigation is underway to identify the cause, and the volunteer with symptoms is currently under quarantine.


Governor Kim emphasized the importance of swift and early responses in the face of the infectious disease situation just three days before the event. He urged a quick and agile response in terms of sample collection, epidemiological investigations, disinfection, and isolation, and the establishment of a rapid reporting system.


As of now, the ticket reservation rate for the 2024 Winter Youth Olympics is 133% of the target audience of 250,000, reaching 334,000 tickets. However, due to the nature of free admission tickets, efforts are being made to prevent no-shows by expanding on-site ticket issuance and group reservations in the remaining period.


Finally, Governor Kim emphasized the current situation as being no different from the start of the competition. He urged everyone to remember that the prerequisites for a successful event are safety, hygiene, and protection against the cold. He stressed the importance of daily reporting, encouraging the reporting of both positive and negative situations and maintaining a high level of vigilance until the closing ceremony.


상담 및 접수 ☎1899-0865 / 무료 회원가입▶



[디지털강원 기사원문]


2024 강원 D-3, 마지막 점검회의 개최

2024 강원 D-3, 마지막 점검회의 개최 / [디지털강원] 강원지역 및 국내외 소식을 공유하는 인터넷신문사. SNS를 기반으로 성장하여 예능, 다큐, 홍보등 각종 영상물 제작에 특화되어 있음.



[강길영 기자 slife2@hanmail.net]

----- 상담 및 접수 ☎1899-0865 / 무료 회원가입▶-----



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