Governor Kim Jin-tae Takes Hands-On Approach for the Successful Hosting of Gangwon 2024 Winter Youth Olympics
- On December 26th, Governor Kim Jin-tae visited the Pyeongchang Organizing Committee office and urged the committee's core team to exert maximum effort.
- "In the remaining period, we plan to address even the smallest details diligently through weekly self-check meetings at the provincial level."
[Digital Gangwon] On December 26th, Governor Kim Jin-tae of Gangwon Province visited the organizing committee office for the 2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympics (referred to as 'Gangwon 2024') in Pyeongchang to personally inspect the final preparations for the upcoming event.
Accompanied by Vice Governor Jeong Kwang-yeol, Global Head of Headquarters Jeong Il-seop, and Director of the Culture and Sports Department Yoon Seung-gi, Governor Kim discussed and shared insights on the event's readiness with Kim Cheol-min, the Secretary-General of the organizing committee, and other department heads.
The organizing committee reported on comprehensive service plans for facilities, personnel, finance, and operations, including accommodation, food, transportation, and safety measures such as medical responses, disease prevention, and cold weather strategies. Additionally, plans for the Cultural Olympics, festival site operations, and event ceremonies were discussed.
The festival site is designed to provide an experiential platform for youth Olympic participants to engage in competition, learning, sharing, and other core elements of the event, including sports, athlete education, local youth activities, and ceremonial events.
Given that the event is less than a month away, this inspection signifies the commitment of Governor Kim and the organizing committee to work as one team under the banner of "Gangwon," striving relentlessly for the successful hosting of Gangwon 2024. Governor Kim emphasized the importance of weekly self-check meetings during the remaining period, ensuring meticulous attention to every detail for the event's success. He particularly stressed the unique challenge of Gangwon 2024, as unlike the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, there were no test events, requiring thorough scrutiny in the actual competition settings.
The Youth Olympics, initiated in 2007 by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), combines sports, education, and culture to create a sustainable event by utilizing existing facilities. The upcoming Gangwon 2024 will be the fourth Winter Youth Olympics, taking place from January 19th to February 1st in Pyeongchang, Gangneung, Jeongseon, and Hoengseong, with the participation of 15,000 individuals, including 1,900 athletes from over 80 countries.
[디지털강원 기사원문]
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김진태 도지사, 강원2024 대회 성공 개최를 위해 막바지 준비상황 직접 챙긴다 / [디지털강원] 강원지역 및 국내외 소식을 공유하는 인터넷신문사. SNS를 기반으로 성장하여 예능, 다큐, 홍보등 각
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